Here are my favourite top 5 games that will be completely at home at tacky or non tacky hen dos. The great thing with all of these is that they're as naughty or clean as you want to make them - so can be tailored to the bride, or the hens - ideal if the bride's mum is in attendance!
1. The wedding dress game
In teams, hens have to make a wedding dress (modelled by one of them) out of toilet roll and anything else they can find lying around. You can also supply coloured tissue paper, foil, bedsheets etc. The bride picks the winner. I recommend putting hens in teams with people they don't know well - this one really brings the competitiveness out!

We were robbed.
A classic! Beforehand, get the groom to answer some questions about the bride. She then has to guess his answers. If she gets them wrong, you could always have her do a shot. If you've got anyone technical amongst your hens, you can always get them to film the groom and play his answers on a DVD, but good old paper works well too. Here's a link to some good questions (but at some point I'll compile my favourites on here!)
3. Memory game
This was a really lovely one, and can be as rude or as clean as you want. Every hen brings an item - wrapped up - that relates to a story about them and the bride. She then has to open them all in front of everyone, guess who it's from and tell the story. You can go emotional, funny or rude (the rude ones were the funniest, obvs).
4. The play dough game
This is a great one to bring out when waiting for food at a restaurant or over drinks. Pick three or four hens to wear blindfolds and sculpt something out of playdough in 2 minutes. What to sculpt? The possibilities are endless, but male and female parts are always a winner...

Not my handiwork!
5. Pass the Parcel
Any kids party games will work a treat, actually - drunken musical chairs, anyone? For pass the parcel, include dares in between each layer and you can even make the person doing the opening do a shot. The present inside can be anything you want - booze, chocolates or even something more risque like a sex toy!
There will be more posts on games coming in the future - please let me know if I've missed your faves in the comments!